Magic At The Mansion



Save the date!
Don’t miss Two Brothers One Mind on stage at the Brumder Mansion.

“Murders At The Mansion (An Interactive Mystery Game)”

An interactive mystery game.

COME KILL YOUR FRIENDS, while enjoying delicious appetizers & tasty drinks!

Murders at the Mansion is a live action game.
Players use their wits and perceptions in order to survive the evening. The Winner takes home a prize, a certificate of awesomeness and a deserved ego boost. Since it’s Halloween, best costume also wins a prize! Do you have what it takes to outsmart and outplay your competitors?

This all happens at the Haunted Brumder Mansion. With it’s strange & eerie past, it is the perfect venue for this type of occasion. Did you know the theater in the basement was used as a speakeasy during prohibition and that the mansion has a reputation as being one of the most haunted houses in Milwaukee!

Appetizers and mocktails included with admission * other beverages available – cash only.
Dinner attire suggested. Food & Drinks created by Chef Carly Joseph.

Each evening is very limited to only 16 participants. Ages 18+

Tue, Apr 1st, 2025, 7:00 – 9:30 PM CDT

For more information on this show,
or for other Live Entertainment events at the
Brumder Mansion, call Tom Carr at (702) 808-2242.